Free Reader, or Freda for short, provides a wide variety of options that include reading EPUB books, changing type size, font, spacing, margins, layout and color scheme, along with being able to customize. Added details for each book like, total line/word count, reading progress, etc. Get a Free eBook Reader for Windows 10: You can use the Freda app on Windows 10 to read any non-digital rights management (DRM) ePub ebook.App Statistics to provide reading insights.Online book store within the app to browse, download and read new books.Collections view to see all notes, highlights and bookmarks across books at one place.Library with features like filter, sort and search books.Fully customizable Reader screen with colors, layout, font, spacing, etc.Text-to-Speech capability for reading aloud books.Support for notes, highlights and bookmarks.Book style 2-column layout, along with other layout options.Some of the prominent features of the app are. I have read 14 books with the app so far and counting :) Plz give it a try and let me know any feedback you have. One can read local eBook files or browse and read over 50,000 free eBooks from various online eBook catalogs, all within the app. And few days ago I released Aquile Reader to the store.

That's when I decided to build a new eBook reader app for Windows, which has all (most of) the features an eBook reader should have with user-friendly, customizable and intuitive UI. I did find some apps which I could use, but either they had very outdated UI, or were very complex to use, and the new apps with modern UI lacked some of the basic functionalities.

Last year I wanted to read a fiction eBook at work (when we could still go) and was looking for a decent eBook reader in the store or win32 app.

If you don't want to pay, download the Freda app instead - it's the same as this one, except that it shows advertising at the bottom of the main screen. You can download books and keep them on your phone, so you can carry on reading when you don't have network connectivity, and you can pin your favourite books to the Start page. Freda can also download books from any website and from email attachments. Or if you have an existing book collection, you can use OneDrive, DropBox or Calibre to share it with your phone. Freda can get books from on-line catalogs like Feedbooks, Smashwords and the Gutenberg Project. Freda understands EPUB formatting information (bold/italic text, margins and alignment) and can display images and diagrams in books. The program offers customisable controls, fonts and colours, plus annotations and bookmarks, and the ability to look up dictionary definitions and translations, and (new feature) text-to-speech reading. It reads EPUB (DRM-free), FB2, HTML and TXT format books. Freda+ is a program for reading electronic books (ebooks) on Windows. freda epub ebook reader Read ebooks without DRM in EPUB, FB2, HTML and TXT formats You will be redirected to the author website to complete the download.